CASARA Saskatchewan is part of the Civil Air Search and Rescue Association (commonly known as CASARA). We are a Canada-wide volunteer non-profit aviation association dedicated to the promotion of Aviation Safety, and to the provision of trained and effective air search support services to supplement our National Search and Rescue program. Membership is open to all pilots and/or aircraft owners, as well as to any who may wish to receive training to serve as spotters, navigators or ground crew as part of a search team. Members receive training in fields such as aviation safety, meteorology, survival awareness and search techniques and procedures. CASARA members are active in all Canadian Provinces and Territories throughout Canada to respond to searches across the country.

Here at CASARA SK, we are a committed group of serious minded volunteers who offer our time, skills, ideas and energy in support of advancing aviation safety and maintaining a civilian air search readiness and professionalism in Canada. Our 150+ volunteers can spend up to 5000 + Hours involved in CASARA SK annually to help save lives.

We may be called upon by the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) or Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to help quickly locate and assist in a variety of situations where trained quick response air search capacity would be a benefit. Such situations may involve aircraft, vessels, vehicles or persons that are missing or in distress. This is why our members go through classroom and hands on training to certify our readiness to respond when called upon so

"That Others May Live"